I read once that trees are considered to be the connectors between earth and sky, heaven and earth. With their roots growing deep into the earth and strong branches reaching up to the sky, it is not difficult to understand this beautiful symbolism. Who has not given a hug to a tree and felt like they are hugging back?

Somehow in the last couple of years this concept came back to me and I started to observe the seasons through the trees and not only the flowers, as I have usually done.

Lots of memories of trees linked to my childhood have become relevant lately. For instance the cypresses that we planted at my parents house and that were present in every photo of my childhood because they literally grew with my sisters and I, had to be cut down because they became too big. Needless to say I was really sad when I received the news.

Trees watercolor paintings, Autumn Collection by Ingrid Sanchez. White tree Hampstead Heath, London.

But I also started to see how many of my friends back in Mexico have been using a sacred tree called The Ceiba to honour their ancestors or celebrate a wedding. My heart jumps with happiness every time I see this, knowing that some are still aware of this connection that remains pretty much a part of our lives.

This year there was not supposed to be an Autumn Collection. I was supposed to be away recovering from a surgery that didn’t happen. So I stayed and decided to celebrate the decisions that are made on our behalf, with a collection inspired by these magical beings.

‘Trees’ is a collection inspired by the trees that have been part of my life this year. The cherry and magnolia trees that bloom every year in my neighbourhood, some are trees from my trip to California, others are dreams that happened during a full moon. I feel that this collection is still in process, and might change or will welcome more paintings later, only time will tell.

Cherry Tree in Bloom, painting by Ingrid Sanchez.
Equinox Fall Moon art by Ingrid Sanchez. London 2022.
Cherry Tree in Bloom
Equinox Fall Moon
Japanese Tea Garden, watercolor painting by Ingrid Sanchez.
Pink Magnolia wall art by artist Ingrid Sanchez. Autumn Collection 2022.
Japanese Tea Garden
Pink Magnolia
Yellow Tree, original art by Ingrid Sanchez. London, 2022.
Magic Tree, Ingrid Sanchez original art.
Yellow Tree
Magic Tree
Fire Moon in Bloom, watercolor by Ingrid Sanchez. Winter Sky Tree, Ingrid Sanchez, London 2022.
Fire Moon in Bloom
Winter Sky Tree


Originals available from this collection


October 11, 2022 — Ingrid Sanchez